Order broken or not completely received

You have received your order but parts are missing or one or more parts are damaged?

Order not complete

Check the delivery note (on top of the packaging) to see if all the parts you have ordered should have been included in the package. If parts are on back order, they must still be delivered.

Here is an example of a packing slip in which have some parts on back order:

The part surrounded in red is not included in the shipment. This is on back order and must be delivered. The other parts listed under the column 'delivery' must have been delivered.

If you are missing a part that should have been in the package, you can contact us directly via the Helpdesk.

Item arrived damaged or wrong

If a part has arrived damaged or incorrectly, you can contact us directly via the Helpdesk.

💡 Tip: if one or more parts are damaged, take a picture of it and send it to our helpdesk!