If the stock status of the product is 'ON REQUEST' then we do not have the product in stock in our warehouse. We then have to order the part specially from the factory. Please note that the part may have a longer delivery time and that we can no longer cancel and return the part after ordering.
How can I order the part?
To be able to order the part, we will send an order confirmation via e-mail in consultation. In this email we also send a payment link to pay the order amount. Payment is made just like in the webshop via our secure Buckaroo payment environment. As soon as we have received the payment, we will process the order and order the parts from the factory.
To pass on the order to us, you can reach us via the chat of the online helpdesk or send an email to helpdesk@minicarparts.nl
💡 Tip: Keep the article number and your address details at hand so that we can quickly put the order in our system!