– Make sure there are no foreign bodies or residual material in the cylinder head cavity.
– Check that the contact surfaces are perfectly clean and intact.
1 - Slip on a new gasket (G).
2 - Choose the gasket shim to be installed (see “Which head gasket LDW FOCS 502 do I need?”)
3 - Make sure that the length of the screws (H) does not exceed 92mm, otherwise replace.
4 - Lubricate the screws copiously (H).
5 - Mount the cylinder head (L) and put in the screws (H).
6 - Tighten the screws in sequence (see diagram) to a temporary torque of 40Nm.
Use a torque wrench with an angle torque tool to tighten the screws.
7 - Tighten the screws further clockwise, rotating 90°.
8 - Tighten the screws to their final torque, rotating 90.